Sunday, April 25, 2010

Turn On God's Love Light -- Inspirational Life Quotes

Every day my eyes would automatically open as the sun began to rise. I’d lie there and not just look at the dawn, the dawn would enter me. The imprint of sunshine – of a new day following the darkness of night – made its way into my cells.
Marianne Williamson

Light – spiritual enlightenment – precious moments illuminating the darkness – experiencing daily inspirations – bursts of God’s Presence – as we spiritually awaken to spiritual healing -- from painful darkness.

I heard of a child who was chronically punished for being unacceptable by being placed in a small closet underneath the stairs. Her mother called it the “Mean Kid’s House”.

The child and her siblings would work hard and sometimes they would be given a little money. When her siblings had a chance, they would buy candy. But the child from the closet would buy candles. The candles were so she could have light in the darkness of her “Mean Kid’s House”.

Darkness is the absence of loving, caring, unconditional Presence – from others, then causing a sense of separation from God, and ultimately separating us from ourselves. Sometimes it is as physical as a closet, but more often it is a dark and sad place inside of us.

We all live or have lived in the “Mean Kid’s House”. Shame, guilt, fear, loneliness, and sadness – mental and spiritual darkness – have surrounded our existence and experience. A conditional world had abandoned us in order to avoid themselves.

Many of us created imaginary friends, selves, lives to fill the darkness with blind hope – actually temporary mental painkillers fashioned in painful desperation. Nothing changed – and we remained hopelessly damned to the empty stale and blinding silence. The only voices were the voices within our brains – and even they became progressively more and more abusive.

To escape, we must begin to find “candles” – sources of light, love and Presence. “Candy” is nice. But loving Presence begins to shatter the darkness with new inner sources of hope and healing. Our lives begin to change – spiritual enlightenment begins to burn – beginning as just a spark, and becoming radiating beams of warming Presence and spiritual healing.

Our God knows the way out. We need to find and follow Their loving Light out of our darkness and into Better Places by Their loving design and care.

The imprint of sunshine – of a new day following the darkness of night – made its way into my cells. And one morning it was as though I heard the voice of God, telling me as I witnessed the dawn that “Such is the work I will do within you.” I too would experience a new dawn after the dark night of my soul. God would give me a new beginning. I knew it then. And as I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep, I thanked Him with all my heart. And my heart was healed.
Marianne Williamson

In the darkness shall be the light, and in the stillness, the dancing.
e.e. cummings

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

God's Love Through Us, Through Others -- Inspirational Life Quotes

Let God love you through others, and let God love others through you.
D.M. Street

In the Bible, there is a reference to how “God became flesh and dwelt among us,” referring to Jesus. And Jesus said, “these things that I do shall you do – and greater things.” To me, these references describe the need, and the resources we as human beings have for a “flesh and blood” connection to God’s higher loving Presence – spiritual enlightenment.

The challenge with this spiritual awareness is how to get past each other’s humanness to access the spiritual Presence we all possess. Many times we are distracted by what is often referred to as “ego” -- a barrier to seeing and experiencing the God Presence within each of us.

There is a resistance that forms inside of us when we are not consciously experiencing my own humanness and weakness – and God’s Presence. In this state, a separation occurs within ourselves, and a separate protective and artificial self appears – our ego. In its protectiveness, this ego version of our selves actually sabotages our ability to experience of God’s Presence through others.

In protecting me, my “ego” actually destroys the possibility of having the intimacy and closeness that is available and present.

This ego protective self does this in two ways:
1. First it distorts what others are communicating – verbally and nonverbally – recreating the separation and abandonments of my past – in the present. My “ego” replays the “tapes” of my wounded past within my current relationships as if it is occurring right now and with this specific person. It actually creates a hallucination of perception with corresponding distorted mental reactions and reactive actions.
2. Second the ego self rejects others – in the attempt to protect me – and actually creates the separation and abandonment that it is trying to prevent.

To reverse this process, we must begin to let God love us – through others – especially letting God love our protective ego selves. As I experience consciously my ego, and turn this wounded part of me over to God’s love through others, an energy begins to flow into me – a higher spiritual Presence – an emerging spiritual enlightenment. We are able to begin reliving our past and have different outcomes.

To continue this process, we need to also begin to let our God love others through us. The energy that flows through us to others creates an equal and greater level of loving Presence for us than we have given.

Let’s receive God’s unconditional loving Presence through others, and consciously send the same loving Presence to others through ourselves. Life will never be the same – it will be a better place by Their design.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Staying Close to Our God Through Inspirational Life Quotes

God sends no one away except those who are full of themselves.
Dwight L. Moody

This is a cute quote, with some very experience-provoking ideas.

I would hasten to note that in my experience, strength and hope, my God has never sent me away -- ever. This concept of being sent away concerns me because our shame and guilt can grab this up and lead us into fear and separation – while God never changed or moved His and Her unconditional love and Presence.

One spiritual awareness to have here is it is possible to be in a state and mental condition where God cannot reach us – because of our unconscious resistance and unavailability.

Another spiritual awareness is that this occurs when we are mentally “full of ourselves” -- when there is no room for God’s Presence within our lives. There is “something” that can exist inside of us that blocks God’s intimate and caring love from entering our heart and lives.

This “something” is our wounded selves trying to protect us from harm, and in the process, harming us with separation from God. These wounded selves from our past are trying hard to protect us. They are like an auto-immune disease – like arthritis – where the body’s natural defense systems, in an attempt to protect the body, actually attacks and harms parts of the body.

Frequently this characteristic – self-protection by wounded selves – is angrily referred to as the “ego”. Our ego is a collection of lost past selves that have formed together inside our brain in an attempt to protect us from separation and abandonment, and in the process actually causes separation and abandonment in the process. Our ego fills our brain with fear and anger, which separates us from others, from our God, and from ourselves.

For this diseased process to end and God’s loving Presence to begin to flow into our hearts, we must address the woundedness of our ego. First of all, our ego selves need to be accepted and not resisted. They are our heroes – as misguided as they are. They have fought to keep us safe in insane and abusive situations.

They need to be nurtured with increasing higher Presence, back into loving health and sanity. They were created in the pain and in the fear of abandonment – and more abandonment will make more determined to protect – at any cost. They need to be given high doses of God’s Presence through spiritual enlightenment – daily inspirations, the experience of precious moments with others and God, and the spiritual support of spiritual coaches and guides.

There is an unlimited supply of Presence and love available to us from God. We must empty our selves of the wounds and infection of our lost selves –ego – and be restored to a growing openness to the God of our personal spiritual experience.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Finding Our Selves Through Inspirational Life Quotes

We usually see things not as they are, but as we are.


What are we looking at? What relationships, what situations, what events – what is it we looking at? And most importantly -- what are we looking for?

As we begin submerge beneath the surface of thought and intellect – into emerging spiritual enlightenment – we begin to see and experience “things” -- parts of ourselves deeply hidden within ourselves – lost and forgotten selves.

To survive the threats of abandonment and loneliness, our brains stops the “tape” of our lives and replaced it with yet another “tape” – another self – with some of same memories hidden in its memories and programming. And yet this new self is alone and separate from the rest.

Each time we lose another part of ourselves – another self appears to continue the trip toward unconsciousness – and toward death – the seemingly ultimate and final separation.

When life happens, our brains has unresolved issues recorded in unconscious traces – becoming activated by external events. Most of what we experience is our painful past selves projected on to the material world – a giant mirror of ourselves. What we see and hear are actually reflections of our past and lost selves.

Some become distracted by the perceptions of prior lifetimes – or reincarnation. I suggest that we might be more productive by re-experiencing and restoring our many lifetimes within this lifetime.

I was raised in spiritual enlightenment to view all my perceptions as reflections of lost and abandoned selves – life times – seeking, looking for a return to being present and conscious -- now. To become distracted from ourselves by living the material world as truth has major power to sever more of ourselves from the core of our spirit self.

Spiritual enlightenment involves establishing a heightened conscious presence with God, allowing ourselves to stop losing selves, and to be progressively restored to ourselves.

What are we looking at – looking for? Our selves.

Experience our perceptions of life – Connect with the higher Presence -- God of our experience – Actively embrace who appears in God’s care as our newly returning selves.

The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.
Madeline L’Engle

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Spiritual Healing and the Fourth Step

The Courage to Change May 4th
Recovery is a wonderful word. It means getting something back. Today I will try to remember that that something is me.

If a man happens to find himself ....he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.
James Michener

Isn’t it exasperating to go to the grocery for an item, only to find the shelf empty? Fortunately grocers can correct that situation by taking inventory to learn which shelves need replenishment.
The Courage to Change.

We all wish good things to happen to us, but we cannot just pray and then sit down and expect miracles to happen. We must back up our prayers with action.
Freedom from Despair

Before sunlight can shine through a window, the blinds must be raised.
American Proverb

All progress must grow from a seed of self-appreciation...
The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage

As I worked my way through Step Four, I listed my character traits as honestly as I could. I was struck by a great irony: Many things I had once thought of as virtues – taking care of everyone around me, worrying about other people’s lives sacrificing my own happiness and prosperity – turned out to be the causes of my misery.
The Courage of To Change November 28th

To see article, click here, Spiritual Healing and The Fourth Step.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Creates Precious Moments -- Inspirational Life Quotes

Love is something that, if you give it away,
you end up having more.
Malvina Reynolds

Over the years, I have heard religious leaders advocate a spiritual “Law of Prosperity” – which generally means, in simplest terms, that we give material things away to get material things. Not necessarily a harmful thought, unless the person advocating this is wanting us to give material things to them – which seems like a possible conflict of interests.

In my experience, there is a “principle” of spiritual prosperity that could include giving of our material possessions, but is much broader in actual application. This spiritual principle involves directly influencing our quality of living -- spiritual prosperity and spiritual enlightenment -- by “giving “ to others precious moments -- of ourselves. This giving may include material things but – more importantly – gifts of our presence, care, and personal attention.

A significant portion of our world’s population suffers from the absence of adequate food. All human beings, on some level, suffer from an absence of intimate, caring presence. All human beings hunger for closeness, acceptance, companionship, and personal connection.

The best way to get our love needs met is to give love away – every chance we get. This is the truest path to precious moments and spiritual enlightenment

There are two main ways that I have experienced this working:

The first is that when we give love and presence to others, we are able to open a spiritual connection to our God that allows us to access God’s higher Presence. When two more connect in a spirit of unconditional love and caring for each other, they invite God’s Presence into their midst in amazing and wonderful ways. The whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. This is a very powerful form of spiritual enlightenment.

The second way loving others works is experienced in the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you,” because whatever we do to others, we are doing to ourselves – at the same time.

When we love -- or harm others, we receive our own love -- or harm -- no matter what the others’ responses may be. Without spiritual enlightenment, we may lack the consciousness to experience this truth. But if we observe closely and consciously, we will see and experience this truth: loving others is actually loving ourselves.

Today – one precious moment at a time --I am wishing us love and caring Presence – with God, with others – and with ourselves.

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